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“Be supernaturally infused with strength

through your life-union with the Lord Jesus.


Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you.”


Ephesians 6:10 TPT

What is Infusion Retreat?


v. “the act of adding one thing to another to make it stronger”


Spiritual Retreat

n. “a period of time spent away from one’s normal lifestyle to rest, reflect, and focus on connecting with God for spiritual refreshing and strengthening as a Christ Follower”

Our world can leave us overworked, exhausted, and wounded. We often neglect ourselves,

becoming a weak shadow of the women of God we are called to be.


Can you relate?


You’re invited to join us for an Infusion Retreat where you have an opportunity to withdraw and focus on restoring the brave, warrior woman within you. All for God’s glory, you will be fit and battle-ready to confidently face life's challenges operating from a place of rest.


The Infusion Retreat offers a unique experience to find your haven of rest and learn techniques to transform the way you experience rest, bringing harmony and strength to recharge your body, renew your soul, and refresh your spirit.

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